Pre-Purchase Housing Counseling
For many people, purchasing a home is their biggest investment. NHDC will provide you with the tools necessary to make this process as smooth as possible. This one-on-one session will allow you to meet with a counselor to assess your situation, develop an action plan, and help you avoid certain pitfalls experienced by some home buyers. Studies suggest clients who complete some form of housing counseling are less likely to experience mortgage delinquency. We want you to meet with one of our certified counselors before you make the decision to buy your home. Generally, these sessions last about an hour. We can help!
NHDC is a HUD-certified Housing Counseling Agency that takes pride in assisting First Time Home Buyers make the dream of homeownership a reality.
To schedule an appointment, please complete the Pre-Purchase Intake Form and gather requested documents then bring in, mail, fax or email them to Anne Conklin at
During this session, we will need to access your credit report. If you have a copy of your credit report, please submit it in with your intake packet. This report will include a score from Experian, Trans Union and Equifax. Please include your credit report with the intake documentation if you have it.

1. Secure Financing
2. Shop for a Home with a Realtor and/or an Attorney
3. Get a Home Inspection by a Licensed Home Inspector
4. Shop for Homeowners Insurance
5. Get an updated Survey of the property
6. Ask the lender for a copy of the appraisal
7. Complete your final walkthrough & Closing
In addition, NHDC would encourage you to request your closing documents at least 24 hours prior to closing for your review.